ClickView is the leading video content resource for Primary and Secondary Schools.

As a student, you have access to this curated list of movies and shows at any time, from anywhere.

On our Compass Home page is the link to ClickView which will take you there without logging in, or you can access Clickview by following this link:

You then select the large button in the middle of the screen: 

The username for this service is your email address. This should have been emailed to you, along with a password.
If you do not know your @schools email address or the eduPass password, please create a new ticket in the top right corner of this page.

Once you have signed in, it will present you with a drop down list of schools.

You need to select the top option, Sign in with eduPass:

The next screen will ask for your email address again, and the password that was emailed to you.

Once you have entered those details and selected "Log in" you will be in Clickview.

At this stage you can either browse, or follow the link your teacher has provided to go directly to your assigned film/show.

Thank you.

Collingwood ICT Team